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by Mike Tishel, Conference Coordinator
It is with great gratitude and joy that I announce the success of the 2005 Ministers of Fire My Life in Christ Youth Conference of the Bulgarian Diocese and friends. Coming from far and wide—from Alaska to California to Virginia and up to Canada—the young attendees began to arrive Sunday night and continued pouring in throughout the week. We were fortunate enough to have almost 50 young people in attendance ranging from ages 15 (and a little lower) to 26. Although the male to female ratio was greatly askew toward the latter’s direction, everyone seemed to enjoy the company of fellow Orthodox brothers and sisters in Christ. The theme of the conference was wonderfully highlighted in the Bishop’s Key-note talk the very first evening after a Vespers service was performed; with great wisdom and conviction Dedo Vladika’s practical yet profound challenge touched both the minds and souls of all in attendance. This started a wonderful succession of Hierarchical liturgies, daily prayer, poignant discussions and exciting activities. All of the discussions, in one way or another, related back to living out ones faith as an aspiring “minister of fire;” it was repeatedly emphasized in different discussions and lectures that we should not merely conform to the societal norms of this world, but that we are to put on our “church glasses” and use them to interpret everything else in our life. This idea of a personal universe revolving around God and the church certainly touched the hearts and souls of many of the youth, and created opportunities for some very personal and helpful discussions. We explored everything from how theology and responsibility relates to our lives as Orthodox Christians, to how the radical witness of fools for Christ can teach us something, to hearing a very positive perspective on relationships, purity and sexuality. Throughout the week we were also able to participate in music and dance provided both by the youth and by some special guests. On Thursday we embarked on a sight-seeing trip into Boston, which proved to be one of the highlights of everyone’s week. This also included a city-wide scavenger hunt which ended in historic Quincy Market where we stopped to eat dinner and watch the world-famous Fanieul Hall street performers. Thursday evening we were honored to have Fr John Chryssavgis speak to us about relationships and purity, which was certainly a popular topic among the youth because of vital questions that arose. Friday was packed with activities beginning with a Hierarchical Liturgy, discussion by Gordon College’s Associate Dean of Students Julie Ray, an exciting afternoon of goofy Olympic Games, and an appropriately special night at the Church where we capped off the conference by all participating in a wonderful coffeehouse and open mic. The latter event was headlined by the talented musician and activist Stephen Baird and was nothing short of an amazing evening full of beautiful music from many of our talented attendees. One thing that was said consistently by many of the youth was that the conference was not only inspirational but they also enjoyed themselves immensely. How important it is to not only to learn about ones faith, but to enjoy the fellowship and company of so many other young Orthodox men and women in a world where “fun” is no longer a pure activity or a simple conversation. Many friendships were made and strengthened throughout the week, which will God-willing last throughout the entire year and on to the next conference; most importantly, however, the youth were inspired to take what they have learned and actually use it in their everyday lives, proclaiming to a pagan world the fiery witness of the Orthodox faith in both actions and a prepared verbal defense.

Click here to view Michael Tishel's first article in the 2005 conference brochure.
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